Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Logo Design Love - Article Response

10 successful logo redesigns

This article found on Logo Design Love examines logo redesigns that are considered successful. The redesigns shown feature subtle changes. They refresh the logo without changing them enough to make them unrecognizable. With each example shown, there is also a written blurb of why the redesign works and even what could still be improved.

I found this to be a very informative and helpful article. It is great to see the before and after logos side by side, so the little differences stand out. The MSNBC logo has primarily just the font changed, but it's a huge difference. The Qantas logo changes the form of the kangaroo slightly, but again - huge difference. I found the Hunter logo to be the most interesting and drastic, since the redesign consists of simplifying the design elements and creates a much stronger, but simpler design.

Overall, this was a very interesting article. It's great as a student to see subtle differences next to each other, explained expertly and succinctly.

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